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Friday, March 28, 2014

9months and counting..

Finally reaching the 9th milestone recently..

A bliss for both of us still madly in love with each other and still together despite the up and down that we've gone through..

As what shaz keep on telling,
That we're meant for each other..
Cursing and argued macam langit nak runtuh tapi still stick together and both refuse to leave each other..

Terharu bila found out that he's smiling while browsing through my pictures and appreciate all my presents no matter how petty it is..

Hugged mr.turtle and my shawl sampai tertidur..

Rasa nak cubit2 je pipi moncet dia!!

Apparently I'm the  longest girl yang he's in relationship with.
Same goes here.
Lelaki pertama yang mampu tahan kerenah aku yang memang maha kaya pelik and annoying.

Aku pun langsung tak sangka unplanned friendship will create such a beautiful love.

Never thought both of us will share this love and deeply madly crave for each other..
Sampai tak boleh berjauhan langsung..
Melekat 24jam..

' happy anniversary lover..
Every girl need a pilot that will protect,care and guide them in this world full of darkness and thanks for choosing me as your co-pilot..'

Love is when we perfected our flaws with each other imperfections and create a perfect love that will last a life time..

I love you T.

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