dear ,
this entry is totally as a symbol of my undefining thought on your perception.
you know what,
you have change ..
there's once i respected you for not being so busybody in others people life and yet you've change!
i hate it okey?
not hating you but hate to who you become this past few months..
you aren't the girl i used to know.
eversince you have your new colony,
you acted so different and it question mark me.
on any thing that came out from my stupid mouth.
it is just a joke!!
i used to joke with you that way but why only now you said that it hurts when i say those things.
don't pin point other mistake and defending yourself.
don't pin point me by saying that i aiming you.
excuse me,
what is my reward for finger pointing at your life???
you hate and hurt when i ask those kind of question right??
then what about you??
have you ever consider others feeling when you stupidly saying and asking with not heart warming tone??
do you ever consider that you always hurt me when you give your comments??
do you never think what i may felt when you toyed around with what had happen to me??
do you ever rethink what you have done and how many person has hurt due to your uninsured mouth?
you have change and i really hate it!
please stop becoming who you are now and start behaving person who you used to be ..
person who not caring bout others personal life and person who not busybody enough till have to listen to every single thing that happen in class.
you are so no cool with this character.
hope you understand and change ..
i'm sorry ...
Tuesday, October 25, 2011
Thursday, October 20, 2011
can't think perfect title for this entry :(
just a simple curiosity whether should i work out this relationship or should i just let it go?
he was sort of blaming me for did not have courage to go through but that doesn't mean that i didn't love him!
i love him! i need him but i can't sort out who are you really are. i never meet someone who can live by didn't msg neither call their love one more than one day. he's the only one who managed to survive and it give me a weird ackward feeling that he did not love me at all.
so, i bet all the girls would feel the same right?
just put yourself in my shoes, not even one day your lover didn't called or msg, you would pissed off and maybe break off ..
i regret when ending up our relationship because i wanted to give him another chance to make and start to act like we were lover, couple..
it was a big decision and i screwed up by using my heart instead of my brain judging and decided that we need to end this thing without realizing the fact that I Love Him ..
all this while, though he rarely contacted me and rarely there for me when I'm in deepest moment of my life but i was happy living in my own world and knowing i have someone out there ..
someone who i love and i care ..
it kind of hard to explain but yup..
people who are in love are blind.
what should i do?
console him or just let him go ..
or try to talk to him again tonight??
give3 him chance that he suppose to get and give myself moment to know him better ..
Tuesday, October 18, 2011
guest what?
almost 14 days since last i wrote in definitely there's so much thing happened in my miserable life .
yup, me and my condemned hell life .
I've lost two of my friend. friend???? huh! more like pig actually.
but still my life is getting better and finally i get serenity and there are no stupid fucking gossip that linger in my life anymore.
just my debt with college that need to be settle if i want to continue studying here but its okay, though i have to quit and waste my almost three years time, i satisfied that i tried my best to complete and Allah has decided i wasn't meant here and my time here has finished.
anyway, i have to thank NurSyamimi Aina for changing my mind setting that nearly killing me.
she's the one who always use harsh word toward me but at the same time make me realize how silly and stupid i am on dealing with problem and stress out myself..
thanks to her also, finally i could breath easily in this chaotic life as a student who always facing problem especially with classmates ..
though sometime i sort of offended by her attitude but i keep saying to myself that it was me who over sensitivity and i tried to ignore all negative thought and feeling toward her coz she meant a lot to me..
she'll never know how deep is her impact toward me and my life and she never know how important she was to me.. though i was not count as one of her besties but i certain that she will always be my dearest friend ever.. time will part us apart and maybe just maybe i will never meet her as we graduating and has our own life still my memory to her will never fade .. my life, my perspective, my perception has change totally due to her and it was the most nicest thing that people ever done to me ..
20years living in hell and here she, the first person ever who made me see world in other positive perspective .. all this while, people always condemned and create gossip and killing my soul till it make me felt that my life is a mistake and i wish that i was never been born ..
i used to shed tears as i can't bear to live in this world for another day but now, i shed tears coz Allah has send me an angel to guide me and Allah has send her to protect me ..
i hope she'll never read this entry coz of sort of embarrassing if she find out .. (^.^)
she's an angel and i was one of the lucky person to meet an angel on earth ..
almost 14 days since last i wrote in definitely there's so much thing happened in my miserable life .
yup, me and my condemned hell life .
I've lost two of my friend. friend???? huh! more like pig actually.
but still my life is getting better and finally i get serenity and there are no stupid fucking gossip that linger in my life anymore.
just my debt with college that need to be settle if i want to continue studying here but its okay, though i have to quit and waste my almost three years time, i satisfied that i tried my best to complete and Allah has decided i wasn't meant here and my time here has finished.
anyway, i have to thank NurSyamimi Aina for changing my mind setting that nearly killing me.
she's the one who always use harsh word toward me but at the same time make me realize how silly and stupid i am on dealing with problem and stress out myself..
thanks to her also, finally i could breath easily in this chaotic life as a student who always facing problem especially with classmates ..
though sometime i sort of offended by her attitude but i keep saying to myself that it was me who over sensitivity and i tried to ignore all negative thought and feeling toward her coz she meant a lot to me..
she'll never know how deep is her impact toward me and my life and she never know how important she was to me.. though i was not count as one of her besties but i certain that she will always be my dearest friend ever.. time will part us apart and maybe just maybe i will never meet her as we graduating and has our own life still my memory to her will never fade .. my life, my perspective, my perception has change totally due to her and it was the most nicest thing that people ever done to me ..
20years living in hell and here she, the first person ever who made me see world in other positive perspective .. all this while, people always condemned and create gossip and killing my soul till it make me felt that my life is a mistake and i wish that i was never been born ..
i used to shed tears as i can't bear to live in this world for another day but now, i shed tears coz Allah has send me an angel to guide me and Allah has send her to protect me ..
i hope she'll never read this entry coz of sort of embarrassing if she find out .. (^.^)
she's an angel and i was one of the lucky person to meet an angel on earth ..
![]() |
this is Miss Froggy Vampire |
Monday, October 3, 2011
aq tataw kenapa otak aq serabut dua tiga hari ni.
aq bosan dgn hidup aq.knp???
ntahla... serabut..
aq nak balik kg,nk rehat n tenangkan fikiran.
aq xnak pk pape dah lg.
aq taw,selagi aq xsingkirkan dia dlm hidup,
selagi tu la dia akan terus timbulkan masalah pada aq n
selagi tu la hidup aq xkan aman.
aq bosan!!!
aq tak tahu r apa lg betian tu xpuas hati .
dh kau ckp kau xwujud n aq sendri pon dh mls nk cakap dgn babi cam ang,
aq wat jelah nota.sng.
aq xhbs airliur ang xsaket tlinga.
tp kau boleh lak amik nota tu jd alat wat org simpati kt kau!
ap lg yg kau nak??????
xcukup apa yg kau wat kt aq selama nih??!!!
kau nak aq mati ke baru kau puas hati??????
kau nak tgk aq mengemis cam babi ke baru kau berhenti jadi batu neraka??????
kau mmg setan!hidup kau semata2 nak celakakan hidup org.
aq benci kau!!!
3tahun kau wat hidup aq merana! 3tahun kau sepak aq kau pijak aq!!!!
xcukup lg ke??????
ap lg yg kau nak?????
aq benci betina cam kau!!!
sumpah dgn nama Allah aq harap btina kafir cam kau mampus!
aq bosan dgn hidup aq.knp???
ntahla... serabut..
aq nak balik kg,nk rehat n tenangkan fikiran.
aq xnak pk pape dah lg.
aq taw,selagi aq xsingkirkan dia dlm hidup,
selagi tu la dia akan terus timbulkan masalah pada aq n
selagi tu la hidup aq xkan aman.
aq bosan!!!
aq tak tahu r apa lg betian tu xpuas hati .
dh kau ckp kau xwujud n aq sendri pon dh mls nk cakap dgn babi cam ang,
aq wat jelah nota.sng.
aq xhbs airliur ang xsaket tlinga.
tp kau boleh lak amik nota tu jd alat wat org simpati kt kau!
ap lg yg kau nak??????
xcukup apa yg kau wat kt aq selama nih??!!!
kau nak aq mati ke baru kau puas hati??????
kau nak tgk aq mengemis cam babi ke baru kau berhenti jadi batu neraka??????
kau mmg setan!hidup kau semata2 nak celakakan hidup org.
aq benci kau!!!
3tahun kau wat hidup aq merana! 3tahun kau sepak aq kau pijak aq!!!!
xcukup lg ke??????
ap lg yg kau nak?????
aq benci betina cam kau!!!
sumpah dgn nama Allah aq harap btina kafir cam kau mampus!
Friday, September 30, 2011
Baby Bitch Called Panda's
do anyone want to be called as one of animals that have no brain???????
though Panda is cute but still its an animal.hahaha.
after the silence that nearly kill me and nearly put an end to my study ..
i manage to stand back up and FUCK that bitch.BITCH!!!!
how i really Fuckng Damn hate her!!! arghhhhhhhhh!
guest what???
a BITCH that being lovable by entire class and lecturer has really went down to shitting pig.
her glam was totally screwed up and i was so elated and how i wish her bad luck will continue forever and ever till her life fucking end!!!!!!!!
i was not shy to mention that her name is NEESHAJEET KAUR.
to my beloved bestie:
- i really3x hope that you will suffer till ur kissing your own piggy ass
- thanks to you,4 giving me a wonderful hell life this past two and half year.
- thanks to you again 4 giving opportunity to be friend with such a loser and bitchy like u
- and don't forget thanks again 4 being a fucking shit in my life
- now after successfully torn down my world, u can take big fat ass and ruined others and continuously shitting in ur damn fucking life.
p/s :
how i hope you will read these.u know why??? i gonna tell the truth bout you and how my perceptions is towards you this entire time that we spend together.
first of all,
you were said to have a hell good sense in fashions but then why u so fucking idiot till did not know how to mix and match ur own fucking ugly cloth.
u kept wearing those stupid blouse of yours and guest what??? u look so damn silly in that dress.
i hate it but because of u,i said nah its ok just wear it.
damn it!! pissed off??? good then at least i know that u have feeling though i dont care much.
second is,
i was so embarrassed when going out with you.
you look so old with your outfit and it is really eyes killers to see a big fat ugly monstrous wearing those kind of outfit and walking beside me.OMG!
when u going to realized that u just a normal regular bitch that got no extraordinary things in ur condemned life.
did you know that everyone was being so sarcastic when they appraise you??
they actually felt repulsive with the way you dress up and they just pretend to see how u proud without noticing they laughing for your stupidity.
how can you being so idiopathic??? its a total curiosity that you did not noticed their expressions when they talked to you.weirdo.
fourth :
i hate your heels.damn i really hate it.seriously u have a bad sense when choosing heels.
remember ur ugly red heels????? everyone condemned it and when they saw u ear it without teared up the price,they were so damn contented and started to make fun of your stupidity.
is you really that poor till wear those heels till the heel itself are about going to come out.
go buy yourself a new shoes laa...
you are fat and when wearing those heels, you giving them a bit pressure.pity la those heels.why cant you realized and accepted the fact????
no matter what.. i was happy to see ur ugly face turned like shit every single day and your fucking life are just about to get fucking worse starting from now.don't ask me why coz it is you who start it first and i just defending myself from being hurt by you AGAIN!!
see you sOOn :)
Thursday, September 22, 2011
dear fucking bitch ..
does u contented with ur fuckingly life full of ass shit?????
i mean is it become ur most wonderful things in ur life when u can throw ur ass shit at others???????????!!
dear fucking bitch ...
how i simply jealous of u ... u know why bitch???
coz u such a imposter that always been an ass fucking hell that will continuously troubled my fucking adorable life!!!!!!!!!!!!
dear adorable little misss bitch!!!
stop sticking out ur fucking ass hole in my life!!!!!!!!!
i hate u n i always does!!!!!!
fuck u in hell bitch!!
u look so fucking good at ur fucking FB wall but for people that know ur fucking life!!
they know how fucking asshole bitch helll darn u are!! for real!!!!!
does u contented with ur fuckingly life full of ass shit?????
i mean is it become ur most wonderful things in ur life when u can throw ur ass shit at others???????????!!
dear fucking bitch ...
how i simply jealous of u ... u know why bitch???
coz u such a imposter that always been an ass fucking hell that will continuously troubled my fucking adorable life!!!!!!!!!!!!
dear adorable little misss bitch!!!
stop sticking out ur fucking ass hole in my life!!!!!!!!!
i hate u n i always does!!!!!!
fuck u in hell bitch!!
u look so fucking good at ur fucking FB wall but for people that know ur fucking life!!
they know how fucking asshole bitch helll darn u are!! for real!!!!!
Wednesday, September 14, 2011
Friday, July 29, 2011
aku tak tahu kenapa tapi aku rasa aku cam dah jadi beban pada diorang coz terpaksa bawak barang2 aku.
aku betul2 xsengaja!sumpah.. aku law boleh xnak susahkan korang tapi aku terpaksa ..
aku nak balik kampung,aku rindukan mak aku .. mak aku sakit ...
aku takut ... tolong lah..
the last thing that i want to do is trouble u guys..
aku independent.. aku belajar untuk hidup sendiri tanpa ada kawan..
apa saja semua aku sendiri..
tapi kali nih aku betul2 tak mampu. ..
ku dah fikir semua kebarangkalian yang mampu aku lakukan tapi buntu!
all that i found is a dead end...
maafkan aku ...
aku betul2 xsengaja!sumpah.. aku law boleh xnak susahkan korang tapi aku terpaksa ..
aku nak balik kampung,aku rindukan mak aku .. mak aku sakit ...
aku takut ... tolong lah..
the last thing that i want to do is trouble u guys..
aku independent.. aku belajar untuk hidup sendiri tanpa ada kawan..
apa saja semua aku sendiri..
tapi kali nih aku betul2 tak mampu. ..
ku dah fikir semua kebarangkalian yang mampu aku lakukan tapi buntu!
all that i found is a dead end...
maafkan aku ...
Monday, July 25, 2011
sIcK oF gUyS
kind off sure that no one will ever read this particular entry coz i kind off private it and due to that it is useless 4 me to write this. but just can't bear it anymore. the words lingers in my mind almost 27hours and it really bother me a lot!
what is it about guys anyway??
is it wrong not to have partner of a lifetime?
is it worth it for us a women to jeopardized our future for a total crap called guys?
i mean,what did guys ever give to us??
apart from endless pain that keep stabbing and hurting till we can't even breath..
is it worth to own a guy who totally an asshole and yet we felt kind of proud just to have a guy called what??
just fuck it up!!
guys is a shit,suck it up and live with it!!
i seen no important on having a bastard,motherfucker in our life and ruining our bright future to be just for a stuff called love?
i know,u xrasa so u xtaw!
fuck it up okay! I've been in love and desperately in love with him even loving him more than my own life.
but instead on getting the same love from him,
he just gave me a hell of a break up that nearly shit my life.
come on girls!!
do wake up!
yes,guys are meant to protect us and become our black shining armor but it ain't going to happened in this era okep??
guys aren't that tough anymore.. guys nowadays are design to ruined and become a motherfucker in girls life..
so as a well matured young girls who have a strong live power and also undeniable a hell rocking independent girls,we should be tougher and dare to accept that we our self must learn to protect our live from this hideous creature!!!
long live to all the girls out there!!
a hell of a congrats for girls who dare to live and move on with their live without guys overruled it!
what is it about guys anyway??
is it wrong not to have partner of a lifetime?
is it worth it for us a women to jeopardized our future for a total crap called guys?
i mean,what did guys ever give to us??
apart from endless pain that keep stabbing and hurting till we can't even breath..
is it worth to own a guy who totally an asshole and yet we felt kind of proud just to have a guy called what??
just fuck it up!!
guys is a shit,suck it up and live with it!!
i seen no important on having a bastard,motherfucker in our life and ruining our bright future to be just for a stuff called love?
i know,u xrasa so u xtaw!
fuck it up okay! I've been in love and desperately in love with him even loving him more than my own life.
but instead on getting the same love from him,
he just gave me a hell of a break up that nearly shit my life.
come on girls!!
do wake up!
yes,guys are meant to protect us and become our black shining armor but it ain't going to happened in this era okep??
guys aren't that tough anymore.. guys nowadays are design to ruined and become a motherfucker in girls life..
so as a well matured young girls who have a strong live power and also undeniable a hell rocking independent girls,we should be tougher and dare to accept that we our self must learn to protect our live from this hideous creature!!!
long live to all the girls out there!!
a hell of a congrats for girls who dare to live and move on with their live without guys overruled it!
Tuesday, July 19, 2011
5 Jenis Perempuan Yang Cukup IrritATING!
Takhta KeLima :
aq cukup pantang la lawa pompuan suka sgt busybody hal yg xsepatutnya.
law boleh semua benda dia nak amik taw.ap masalah tah.pas taw tu mula la p sebar kat owg lain.
dah rupa internat bergerak je aq tengok.
Takhta KeEmpat :
PerasaN CuN
hah!yang nih mmg xblh blah r!
ko jelah yg lawa yg cun! adeh saket jiwa tol aq!
yelah,law ye pon ang tu cun meletop dah rupe popcorn,tp tu bk tiket utk ang pmenkan hati laki.
btol x?pastu mula la laki lak yg wat bnda it will be never ending issue.
ang tuduh laki laki tuduh pmpuan.
last2 jantan ngan betina gak yg kowg cari kn??
ke kowg semua kawen ngan maknyah?Gay??
cer settlekn lu internal poblem yg mmg xad solution except everyone start to change themself.
Takhta KeTiga :
Suka CakaP Sal Laki
woi!taw r ang pompuan yg mmg byk mulut tp xyah r pai penoh mulut ang ckp sal laki.
24jam smua laki baik ad kt ang r.yg lain semua burok!
hampeh tol!law ye pon dh kemarok kt jantan,xyah r tunjok.
jaga r cket maruah ang sbgai pmpuan 2.
cer tgk laki,depa relex jer sekalipun lam hati punye r kemaruk gile kt pompuan tu!
ad ke kowg p lepak ngan laki dgr depa dok ckp sal awek masing2????
law ad pon sah tu golongan2 terKECUALI hahah!
Takhta KeDua :
X Boleh Susah Cket
wei aq letih r!
wei xlarat r!
ye r ang manja penoh ciri2 keperempuanan kn p cer diam.
sabar.dh la nag dh letih pastu dok mbebel,xke lg letih namanya.
cer wat pape tu guna akai cket bkn nye nafsu taw r ad 9nafsu.
aq geram tol ngan spesis nih.ase x aman jer law ad pmpuan jnis nih lam idop aq!
Takhta PerTama :
tu xleh ni xleh!tu slh ni xbetol!
ap yg ang nk weh!!!!
cer bersyukur cket!!
mulut tu law x camcibai popcorn xleh ke???
adeh.... sabar jelah.. Tuhan bg ko saket tu sebab nk hapus dosa bgunung yg ang dok wat hari2!
no women no cry..
aq setuju coz adanya pmpuan hnya akn huru hara kan hidup aje!
jgn hanya tahu salahkn laki n tgk bad aspect jer tp cer amik n jadikn contoh beberapa sifat yg ada kt laki mesti hidup akn lbh bmakna..
aq cukup pantang la lawa pompuan suka sgt busybody hal yg xsepatutnya.
law boleh semua benda dia nak amik taw.ap masalah tah.pas taw tu mula la p sebar kat owg lain.
dah rupa internat bergerak je aq tengok.
Takhta KeEmpat :
PerasaN CuN
hah!yang nih mmg xblh blah r!
ko jelah yg lawa yg cun! adeh saket jiwa tol aq!
yelah,law ye pon ang tu cun meletop dah rupe popcorn,tp tu bk tiket utk ang pmenkan hati laki.
btol x?pastu mula la laki lak yg wat bnda it will be never ending issue.
ang tuduh laki laki tuduh pmpuan.
last2 jantan ngan betina gak yg kowg cari kn??
ke kowg semua kawen ngan maknyah?Gay??
cer settlekn lu internal poblem yg mmg xad solution except everyone start to change themself.
Takhta KeTiga :
Suka CakaP Sal Laki
woi!taw r ang pompuan yg mmg byk mulut tp xyah r pai penoh mulut ang ckp sal laki.
24jam smua laki baik ad kt ang r.yg lain semua burok!
hampeh tol!law ye pon dh kemarok kt jantan,xyah r tunjok.
jaga r cket maruah ang sbgai pmpuan 2.
cer tgk laki,depa relex jer sekalipun lam hati punye r kemaruk gile kt pompuan tu!
ad ke kowg p lepak ngan laki dgr depa dok ckp sal awek masing2????
law ad pon sah tu golongan2 terKECUALI hahah!
Takhta KeDua :
X Boleh Susah Cket
wei aq letih r!
wei xlarat r!
ye r ang manja penoh ciri2 keperempuanan kn p cer diam.
sabar.dh la nag dh letih pastu dok mbebel,xke lg letih namanya.
cer wat pape tu guna akai cket bkn nye nafsu taw r ad 9nafsu.
aq geram tol ngan spesis nih.ase x aman jer law ad pmpuan jnis nih lam idop aq!
Takhta PerTama :
tu xleh ni xleh!tu slh ni xbetol!
ap yg ang nk weh!!!!
cer bersyukur cket!!
mulut tu law x cam
adeh.... sabar jelah.. Tuhan bg ko saket tu sebab nk hapus dosa bgunung yg ang dok wat hari2!
no women no cry..
aq setuju coz adanya pmpuan hnya akn huru hara kan hidup aje!
jgn hanya tahu salahkn laki n tgk bad aspect jer tp cer amik n jadikn contoh beberapa sifat yg ada kt laki mesti hidup akn lbh bmakna..
Monday, July 18, 2011
Thursday, July 14, 2011
keGAMPANGAN manusia! nak tau hari nih mmg hari malang aku gamaknye!
nk tau kenaPA???????????
coz lecturer yang mulut busuk tu leh siap komen baik punyer kat aku???
n guess what?she even said that i got a low memory that's why i've been asking the same question again2.
it's my question is wrong or just she was stupid enough not to understand what my real question are??!!!!!!
sesuka hati monyet kera beruk makyeh mak bapak dia lak boleh marah aku??
bullshit r kau!
memang nak mampus tol!GERAMNYA!!!!!!!
paling xboleh blah dia wat hal time aku dok present.
macam cilake dia kondem cakap aku nih x ok la xbetul la!!!!!
pundek giler!!!!
adoi!saket jiwa tol aku! boleh x aku nak bg ECT kat dia biaq bg betol sikit otak mereng dia tu!
hah!yang xboleh blah,adalah hamba Allah yang present ngan aku tadi,
dia boleh berlagak lak dah ngan aku!
bajet macam dia r yang terbaik! pegi mampus r kau!
law setakat muka hensem tapi moral kau kosong baik kau pegi mampus!
lagi bagus!hidup pon dok nyusahkan orang jer!!! benci tol aku!
haa.. ni lg sorg..
empunye nama????
haa.. dia boleh bajet tegor aku ap??
elok2 r sikit.. amboi.. ang tu dah layak ke nak tegor aku!
arghhh... dush!ase nak bagi penyepak jepon dua tiga das baru ase puas hati!!!
huh!mangkok jambeh!
nk tau kenaPA???????????
coz lecturer yang mulut busuk tu leh siap komen baik punyer kat aku???
n guess what?she even said that i got a low memory that's why i've been asking the same question again2.
it's my question is wrong or just she was stupid enough not to understand what my real question are??!!!!!!
sesuka hati monyet kera beruk makyeh mak bapak dia lak boleh marah aku??
bullshit r kau!
memang nak mampus tol!GERAMNYA!!!!!!!
paling xboleh blah dia wat hal time aku dok present.
macam cilake dia kondem cakap aku nih x ok la xbetul la!!!!!
pundek giler!!!!
adoi!saket jiwa tol aku! boleh x aku nak bg ECT kat dia biaq bg betol sikit otak mereng dia tu!
hah!yang xboleh blah,adalah hamba Allah yang present ngan aku tadi,
dia boleh berlagak lak dah ngan aku!
bajet macam dia r yang terbaik! pegi mampus r kau!
law setakat muka hensem tapi moral kau kosong baik kau pegi mampus!
lagi bagus!hidup pon dok nyusahkan orang jer!!! benci tol aku!
haa.. ni lg sorg..
empunye nama????
haa.. dia boleh bajet tegor aku ap??
elok2 r sikit.. amboi.. ang tu dah layak ke nak tegor aku!
arghhh... dush!ase nak bagi penyepak jepon dua tiga das baru ase puas hati!!!
huh!mangkok jambeh!
Monday, July 11, 2011
kenangan itu .
kenangan itu,
kian menggamit perasaan ..
kenangan itu,
kian ku cari demi melewati sekujur kehidupan yang kaku.
kenangan itu,
kini kian ku mencari demi rindu sebuah cinta yang suram.
baru sekejapan,
bertemu insan,bertemu blog..
yang jua mengabadikan kenangan dia..
satu2 bukti yang meneguh dihati..
bahawa dia pernah hadir...
bertamu dihati kami berdua ...
andai si dia takdir buatku,
andai dia destinasi cintaku,
semoga penantian ini tidak sia2..
demi rindu ini,
demi kenangan ini,
demi cinta kami,
aku akan sentiasa menunggunya..
walau bertahun asalkan suatu hari nanti dia akan kembali dalam pelukan cintaku..
cinta kami ...
Wan Mohd Zulkarnaim,
siapa jua dirimu..
aku rayu kembalilah dalam hidupku..
kembali pada cinta kita yang terpatri..
kerna pastinya aku akan sentiasa ada disini,
menemani taman cinta kita yang kian rapuh...
mencintaimu selamanya.
kian menggamit perasaan ..
kenangan itu,
kian ku cari demi melewati sekujur kehidupan yang kaku.
kenangan itu,
kini kian ku mencari demi rindu sebuah cinta yang suram.
baru sekejapan,
bertemu insan,bertemu blog..
yang jua mengabadikan kenangan dia..
satu2 bukti yang meneguh dihati..
bahawa dia pernah hadir...
bertamu dihati kami berdua ...
andai si dia takdir buatku,
andai dia destinasi cintaku,
semoga penantian ini tidak sia2..
demi rindu ini,
demi kenangan ini,
demi cinta kami,
aku akan sentiasa menunggunya..
walau bertahun asalkan suatu hari nanti dia akan kembali dalam pelukan cintaku..
cinta kami ...
Wan Mohd Zulkarnaim,
siapa jua dirimu..
aku rayu kembalilah dalam hidupku..
kembali pada cinta kita yang terpatri..
kerna pastinya aku akan sentiasa ada disini,
menemani taman cinta kita yang kian rapuh...
mencintaimu selamanya.
Thursday, July 7, 2011
Wan Muhd Zulkarnaim @ Hidayah
disguise as Wan Muhd Zulkarnaim Gynae and Obstetric student in University Malaya age? 20 have a surgeon brother name Adam Mukhriz used to lived in united state of America. a wealthy dude. pic :
disguise as Wan Muhd Zulkarnaim Gynae and Obstetric student in University Malaya age? 20 have a surgeon brother name Adam Mukhriz used to lived in united state of America. a wealthy dude. pic :
real bio :
age : still schooling
FB : Bdk Mne X Tau
Live at : Kota Bharu KeLANTAN.
fON NUM : 0139545083
Address : Lot 417-C, Kenali, Jalan Sultan Yahya Petra, K0ta Bharu Kelantan.
Monday, June 27, 2011
life is a mild hell (-.-')
let say ..
why did i say that life is a mild hell???
coz mine is just simple a hell that no one would ever want to step in!
but they just love to meddle in since i'm a celeb that surely blast their mind with gossips and all.
haha! funny is it???
everything that i do or neither happened in my life will be centre of their entertainment..
wowww ... i'm so fucking cool i guest huh!!
but still thanks to them and for all their bad mouth ..
due to my lack of sociality and also a hell of thanks to my fucking life,
i learned the hard way to survive and a new perspective to live this life .
OMG.. what am i crapping about???
k,actually thanks to them i learned that i have to changed even o got hell of a reason to not to do it.
y??? coz i been borned this way and this is my true tick skinned of mine!
hahaha .. lalala ..
what the hell! i'm just going to finish another 1 year and i'm gone!!!
forever babeh!! arghhh... can i forward out those fucking slow time??? can i????
let bygone be bygone muahahaha!
xmo kisah sal kenangan silam tuh aih!
study kawen study kawen!!!!
ahahaha.. adeh ...
saket jiwo sih!!
why did i say that life is a mild hell???
coz mine is just simple a hell that no one would ever want to step in!
but they just love to meddle in since i'm a celeb that surely blast their mind with gossips and all.
haha! funny is it???
everything that i do or neither happened in my life will be centre of their entertainment..
wowww ... i'm so fucking cool i guest huh!!
but still thanks to them and for all their bad mouth ..
due to my lack of sociality and also a hell of thanks to my fucking life,
i learned the hard way to survive and a new perspective to live this life .
OMG.. what am i crapping about???
k,actually thanks to them i learned that i have to changed even o got hell of a reason to not to do it.
y??? coz i been borned this way and this is my true tick skinned of mine!
hahaha .. lalala ..
what the hell! i'm just going to finish another 1 year and i'm gone!!!
forever babeh!! arghhh... can i forward out those fucking slow time??? can i????
let bygone be bygone muahahaha!
xmo kisah sal kenangan silam tuh aih!
study kawen study kawen!!!!
ahahaha.. adeh ...
saket jiwo sih!!
Wednesday, February 16, 2011
aq xtaw r knp sesetengah manusia nih mmg celaka jahanam!
ko ingt aq xtaw ko saje nk mnyindir aq..
ap mslh ko hah!!!!
ad ke aq nyemak lam hdp ang??! ad aq msok cmpur lam urusan ko?????????!!!!!
you never live my life so dont ever dare to say anything or to critics every single fuck bout my life!
bout my attitude??!!!!
what the hell bitch??? you think ur life ur attitude is fucking perfect?????
sure enough u such a fucking bullshitting bitch that should be fuck by pig!!!!!
im sure that bitch is reading my pure innocent entry right now... so i hope that bitch could realize that you arent that perfect dear... u just a bitch that lingering around in your fucking world!
omg.. so early to bullshitting people.. but sadly u fuck my mood up dear...
weh blah r weh!!! fuck up in my life and when u ever fuck ur ass up then u allowed to criticize bout my fucking life dear...
hey my beloved bitch...
this is the last time for u to fucking up bout me and my bullshit attitude!
if i ever heard ur so not enjoying fucking voice say anything and critic me..
u'll pay for it!!!
ko ingt aq xtaw ko saje nk mnyindir aq..
ap mslh ko hah!!!!
ad ke aq nyemak lam hdp ang??! ad aq msok cmpur lam urusan ko?????????!!!!!
you never live my life so dont ever dare to say anything or to critics every single fuck bout my life!
bout my attitude??!!!!
what the hell bitch??? you think ur life ur attitude is fucking perfect?????
sure enough u such a fucking bullshitting bitch that should be fuck by pig!!!!!
im sure that bitch is reading my pure innocent entry right now... so i hope that bitch could realize that you arent that perfect dear... u just a bitch that lingering around in your fucking world!
omg.. so early to bullshitting people.. but sadly u fuck my mood up dear...
weh blah r weh!!! fuck up in my life and when u ever fuck ur ass up then u allowed to criticize bout my fucking life dear...
hey my beloved bitch...
this is the last time for u to fucking up bout me and my bullshit attitude!
if i ever heard ur so not enjoying fucking voice say anything and critic me..
u'll pay for it!!!
Tuesday, January 18, 2011
pasti ada sebabnya ...
kenapa owg suka sangat melatah...
bukan melatah oi mak kau tu.. p melatah bl ad jer bnda yg xkena..
pntg d tegur xblh ad slp sikit msti nk mrh.. nk ngamuk.. pala angin belaka..
xbosan ke pepg buta g dok masam muka hnya sb yg ang sndri xtaw...
xleh ke semat lam pala otak tuh yg ap yg tjadi psti ad sb n dh jd tggjwb tuk kita pstikn dulu sblom mrh..
ang suka ke xsuka ke dia... sape suruh pilih n vote dia...
pilih la owg yg ang suka nih x..
pastu mula la nk mengomen la ap la... serabut pala tul... tak faham aq ... ap la yg kowg semua pk..
mmg la sape xmrh law bnda tuh jd kt kita jer...bak kata owg berat g mata memandang p berat g bahu memikul ye dop???
p jgn la dok keje nk marah n xpuas hati jer...
mmg la.. pai bila kita nk ngalah n pai bila nk bg owg pijak pala kita..
p mlawan bia la kena tmpt n jgn bab kecik jer sesama kita gdoh...
pnjg lg pjalanan nih.. byk lg yg kita prlu tempuh.. n kita perlukan tiap sowg dr kita tuk bjaya hingga ke sem 6 nty... law xad dowg.. sape yg nk tlg kita??? mak bapak? keluarga?
dowg semua jauh.. kdg kala.. owg yg kita benci slalunya akn tlg kita...
msa tuh.. xke ke segan??? dh pnoh mlut kita dok ngata dia.. tetba dia tlg kita...
pk la ckit.. idop kt dunia nih bkn hnya ad kita, keluarga, kekasih kita jer...
p ramai lg n yg psti kita xmampu idop law msuh ramai dr kwn...
aq dh pnah rasai dan aq taw cmne rasa bl kita xad sesapa tuk tlg kita d saat kita sedih...
dl aq pown cmtu... idop sowg2.. bgdoh... ngata owg... p bl pk blik pai bl...
umur bkn makin muda... n kita bkn makin sihat...
aq nyesal ngan ksilapan aq p bak kata owg... bl skali kita wat pai bl2 owg xkn pcya...
aq nyesal bab xptahankan diri bl ad isu yg aq d tuduh p pd hakikatnya aq lgsg xwat...
p semua tuh dh blalu... dh tiba masa tuk aq lupakan kisah lama dan mulakan hidup baru...
hidup dgn prinsip dan cara hidup yang baru...
kisah lampau jadikan teladan agar aq xulangi lg...
law kita asyik bdendam jer.. asyik memerli... melawan wlau kita sndri taw ap yg kita wat tuh lgsg xkena pd tmpt dan masanya.. untk ap??? sia2 jer... bkn xblh mlawan bkn suruh duk diam2 bia owg pijak pala...
blh melawan p biar la kena pd masa n tmpt... jgn tnjukkn kbdohan kita d dpn owg hnya sb dendam kita tuh..
jd owg yg diam tp d hrmati bkn nya pelawan tp d caci...
ko wat kt aq.. aq wat kt ko.. pai bL??? xbosan ke hidop n dtg ke kelas semata2 nk bgdoh jer...
p ckp byk pown xguna n aq harap kowg xmai serang aq bab aq tulis lam blog nih...
pk la knp aq tulis lam blog jer.... law aq gtaw dpn2.. agak2 kowg bg x peluang tuk aq ckp???
aq ase x.. msti kowg serang aq kaw2 sblom aq smpat gtaw ap yg aq nk sampaikn...
gpown.. sape la aq nih.. bkn nya ad kuasa pown nk tgor kowg...
kowg semua owg hebat... ap yg kowg buat semua btol... xad slh ckit pown...
aq nih lg la.. lgsg xlayak nk tgor... dh r... mls aq nk tacing2...

wat serabut pala jer.... bosan.. huh!
bukan melatah oi mak kau tu.. p melatah bl ad jer bnda yg xkena..
pntg d tegur xblh ad slp sikit msti nk mrh.. nk ngamuk.. pala angin belaka..
xbosan ke pepg buta g dok masam muka hnya sb yg ang sndri xtaw...
xleh ke semat lam pala otak tuh yg ap yg tjadi psti ad sb n dh jd tggjwb tuk kita pstikn dulu sblom mrh..
ang suka ke xsuka ke dia... sape suruh pilih n vote dia...
pilih la owg yg ang suka nih x..
pastu mula la nk mengomen la ap la... serabut pala tul... tak faham aq ... ap la yg kowg semua pk..

p jgn la dok keje nk marah n xpuas hati jer...
mmg la.. pai bila kita nk ngalah n pai bila nk bg owg pijak pala kita..
p mlawan bia la kena tmpt n jgn bab kecik jer sesama kita gdoh...
pnjg lg pjalanan nih.. byk lg yg kita prlu tempuh.. n kita perlukan tiap sowg dr kita tuk bjaya hingga ke sem 6 nty... law xad dowg.. sape yg nk tlg kita??? mak bapak? keluarga?
dowg semua jauh.. kdg kala.. owg yg kita benci slalunya akn tlg kita...

pk la ckit.. idop kt dunia nih bkn hnya ad kita, keluarga, kekasih kita jer...
p ramai lg n yg psti kita xmampu idop law msuh ramai dr kwn...
aq dh pnah rasai dan aq taw cmne rasa bl kita xad sesapa tuk tlg kita d saat kita sedih...
dl aq pown cmtu... idop sowg2.. bgdoh... ngata owg... p bl pk blik pai bl...
umur bkn makin muda... n kita bkn makin sihat...
aq nyesal ngan ksilapan aq p bak kata owg... bl skali kita wat pai bl2 owg xkn pcya...
aq nyesal bab xptahankan diri bl ad isu yg aq d tuduh p pd hakikatnya aq lgsg xwat...
p semua tuh dh blalu... dh tiba masa tuk aq lupakan kisah lama dan mulakan hidup baru...
hidup dgn prinsip dan cara hidup yang baru...
kisah lampau jadikan teladan agar aq xulangi lg...
law kita asyik bdendam jer.. asyik memerli... melawan wlau kita sndri taw ap yg kita wat tuh lgsg xkena pd tmpt dan masanya.. untk ap??? sia2 jer... bkn xblh mlawan bkn suruh duk diam2 bia owg pijak pala...
blh melawan p biar la kena pd masa n tmpt... jgn tnjukkn kbdohan kita d dpn owg hnya sb dendam kita tuh..
jd owg yg diam tp d hrmati bkn nya pelawan tp d caci...
ko wat kt aq.. aq wat kt ko.. pai bL??? xbosan ke hidop n dtg ke kelas semata2 nk bgdoh jer...

pk la knp aq tulis lam blog jer.... law aq gtaw dpn2.. agak2 kowg bg x peluang tuk aq ckp???
aq ase x.. msti kowg serang aq kaw2 sblom aq smpat gtaw ap yg aq nk sampaikn...
gpown.. sape la aq nih.. bkn nya ad kuasa pown nk tgor kowg...
kowg semua owg hebat... ap yg kowg buat semua btol... xad slh ckit pown...
aq nih lg la.. lgsg xlayak nk tgor... dh r... mls aq nk tacing2...

wat serabut pala jer.... bosan.. huh!
Saturday, January 15, 2011
hensem versus xbape hensem
aq rasa tiap pompuan lam dunia nih mmg mudah gler cair law nmpak laki ensem n aq sure gler ah pompuan yg dpt balak ensem dgn bangganya akn p tayang kt owg..
last2 sekali bila balak kena pau mula la meraung sowg2 cam owg gler..
xckup ngan tuh mula la nyusahkan member2 dok ngadu konon nya kena tgl la ap la..
yg plg naya abes semua brg bhrga xtaw la tmsok ke x ngan tut......
hah! niat aq bkn la nk mengata owg p based on experience aq..
aq d kategorikn sbg pmpuan yg xbpe cun n GEMOK... so mmg aq jd plihan laki yg plg last sekali r,.
ye la.. ner ad laki yg kempunan nk amik aq jd awek dowg.. wat ilang market jer...
hahaha... haa... bebalik pd al kesah td..
knp la manusia suka sgt beza2kn status.. paras rupa..
slh ke law xad rupa yg ensem cm Edward Cullen hehehee..
bg aq law ckup sifat kn lg bgos.. d tmbh dgn didikan agama n plg pntg akhlak yg baik..
cm lam cite Fatimah Juling kt astro tuh.. kononnya c fatimah nih dok puja n gler kt laki yg nama zack..
sb nya?? zack tuh ensem n anak tok penghulu..
c fatimah nih sgp lak dok hina laki yg sukakn dia dr skool rndah ag..
last2 dia dpt taw c zack tu pown juling n laki yg dia hina slma nih ank owg kaya yg ad pniagaan unta kt afrika hahahha...
kn nyesal xsudah... tu la... len kali jgn nilai owg dr luaran jer..
kita xtaw ap yg Allah tlh tulis d suratan hidup seseowg.. untung nasib owg yg kita hina tuh xtentu lg..
sape taw Allah kurniakn dia rezki yg mlimpah ruah sb nk bg ats muka kt kita bab dok hina dia..
n dh jd trend skg... owg lawa msti kawen ngan owg xbpe lawa.. nk jmpa psangan yg sama padan amat la susah huhuhu...
cun xcun jnji bhagia.. 2 yg plg pntg kowt!!!
ap la yg aq dok merapu nih... hahahah...
aq ase saket bosan masok air dah nyerang.. waaaaaaaaa..........................
aq rasa tiap pompuan lam dunia nih mmg mudah gler cair law nmpak laki ensem n aq sure gler ah pompuan yg dpt balak ensem dgn bangganya akn p tayang kt owg..
last2 sekali bila balak kena pau mula la meraung sowg2 cam owg gler..
xckup ngan tuh mula la nyusahkan member2 dok ngadu konon nya kena tgl la ap la..
yg plg naya abes semua brg bhrga xtaw la tmsok ke x ngan tut......
hah! niat aq bkn la nk mengata owg p based on experience aq..
aq d kategorikn sbg pmpuan yg xbpe cun n GEMOK... so mmg aq jd plihan laki yg plg last sekali r,.
ye la.. ner ad laki yg kempunan nk amik aq jd awek dowg.. wat ilang market jer...
hahaha... haa... bebalik pd al kesah td..
knp la manusia suka sgt beza2kn status.. paras rupa..
slh ke law xad rupa yg ensem cm Edward Cullen hehehee..
bg aq law ckup sifat kn lg bgos.. d tmbh dgn didikan agama n plg pntg akhlak yg baik..
cm lam cite Fatimah Juling kt astro tuh.. kononnya c fatimah nih dok puja n gler kt laki yg nama zack..
sb nya?? zack tuh ensem n anak tok penghulu..
c fatimah nih sgp lak dok hina laki yg sukakn dia dr skool rndah ag..
last2 dia dpt taw c zack tu pown juling n laki yg dia hina slma nih ank owg kaya yg ad pniagaan unta kt afrika hahahha...
kn nyesal xsudah... tu la... len kali jgn nilai owg dr luaran jer..
kita xtaw ap yg Allah tlh tulis d suratan hidup seseowg.. untung nasib owg yg kita hina tuh xtentu lg..
sape taw Allah kurniakn dia rezki yg mlimpah ruah sb nk bg ats muka kt kita bab dok hina dia..
n dh jd trend skg... owg lawa msti kawen ngan owg xbpe lawa.. nk jmpa psangan yg sama padan amat la susah huhuhu...
cun xcun jnji bhagia.. 2 yg plg pntg kowt!!!
ap la yg aq dok merapu nih... hahahah...
aq ase saket bosan masok air dah nyerang.. waaaaaaaaa..........................
Friday, January 14, 2011
isu "sape makan cili dia yang rasa pedas"
but it does hurt when someone i do believe finally stabbing me from behind..
maybe i wasn't meant to have friends.. and i really can't bear to be hurt over and over again..
my status that seems to hurt you was wasn't meant for you and it was you who take it personally..
yeah.. your biggest mistake was to be friend with me...
indeed.. i was supposed to be the last one you want to be friend with if there's only both of us in this world..
i considered you as my friend ever.. i appreciate every single thing that you have done to me..
and on that reason i always there when you need although not all the time..
before this i even did not care what had people said about you and don't give a damn of what people had warned me by be friend with you..
yeah.. but still i am imperfect... imperfect to be your friend...
i had a lousy habit by love to eat junkfoods and unhealthy foods..
but why did you have to comment about that...
i know that your status was never meant for me..

nevermind.. we was not meant to be friend.. and i thank for what have you done for me..
im not people who easily forget someone who done lots of thing for me...
coz i don't have lots of people who willing too..
i still remember once you accompanied me with your strawberry umbrella and give me courage to faced them..
and i still grateful that you willing to help me when i was hopeless and don't have anywhere to sleep off...
sem 3???i work hard... and i hope you will also do the same..
i was damn sad for what had you did when "buka puasa" time..
why you have to behaved in such way...
people react when someone or other act on them first...
maybe you haven't notice but..
we both have been through almost the most same experience whether in family or life terms...
but yet... it was not a good and strong reason for us to be friend...
may you always be happy... and hope there will no more tears in your life..
thanks for all the memories and thanks for be my friend although it did not last..
hope this will be the last tears because of a girl who i called friend...
- Revolusi Sebuah Pemberontakan -
Thursday, January 13, 2011
persahabatan.. friendship...
persahabatan .. friendship..
benar mudah tuk kita ucapkan tp pernahkah kita benar2 mengerti erti dan maksud yang tersirat..
pernahkah kita cuba meletakkan diri kita di dalam erti sebuah persahabatan??
dia antra insan terawal yg aq ktemu saat ku jejakkan kaki d bumi asing ini..
sbetulnya aq pcayakn dia n aq agp dia kwn aq..
hga la sem 3.. bwu aq taw yg slma nih dia hnya bpura baik d dpn aq.. blakang aq??
laillahaillallah.. mengata aq n mengutuk aq..
yg plg ketara sekali bila dia tuduh aq mencuri nescafe dia pai sgp nk check bilik aq..
sedar ke x pompuan nih.. bila nescafe ang hlg, aq yg bg kt ang..
aq kesian bl ang kata ang xleh law xminum nescafe n ang lak selalu xad duit..
p last2 ang tuduh aq pncuri.. semiskin2 aq,aq xpnah curi brg owg..
mlg tol nsib aq plih ang jd kwn..
knp la ang sgp wat aq cmnih.. ap la slh aq kt ang..
aq xpnah mngata ang.. xpnah kutuk ang.. tiap kali owg ckp bnda xelok sal ang aq backup ang..
aq slalu tlg ang xkira ap je keadaan..
friendship is a promise that should not be done if you know you will never fulfill it..
friendship is not a rope that you simply cut it off when you hate it..
n friendship is not a joke that you can simply laugh around..
i just hope that you finally realize what have done to the rest of this class..
and what have you did and humiliate others including your roommate..
people act due to action that you yourself did..
and people won't fight back if you did not start it..
if only i could slapped you..
i would done it for anything...
i just simply and deeply hate you right now..
hate for what you have said and for what you had done to me..
i hate for stupidly believe you... i hate of used to be friend with you..
i just hate you!!!!!!!
i hate you N!
benar mudah tuk kita ucapkan tp pernahkah kita benar2 mengerti erti dan maksud yang tersirat..
pernahkah kita cuba meletakkan diri kita di dalam erti sebuah persahabatan??
dia antra insan terawal yg aq ktemu saat ku jejakkan kaki d bumi asing ini..
sbetulnya aq pcayakn dia n aq agp dia kwn aq..
hga la sem 3.. bwu aq taw yg slma nih dia hnya bpura baik d dpn aq.. blakang aq??
laillahaillallah.. mengata aq n mengutuk aq..
yg plg ketara sekali bila dia tuduh aq mencuri nescafe dia pai sgp nk check bilik aq..
sedar ke x pompuan nih.. bila nescafe ang hlg, aq yg bg kt ang..
aq kesian bl ang kata ang xleh law xminum nescafe n ang lak selalu xad duit..
p last2 ang tuduh aq pncuri.. semiskin2 aq,aq xpnah curi brg owg..
mlg tol nsib aq plih ang jd kwn..
knp la ang sgp wat aq cmnih.. ap la slh aq kt ang..
aq xpnah mngata ang.. xpnah kutuk ang.. tiap kali owg ckp bnda xelok sal ang aq backup ang..
aq slalu tlg ang xkira ap je keadaan..
friendship is a promise that should not be done if you know you will never fulfill it..
friendship is not a rope that you simply cut it off when you hate it..
n friendship is not a joke that you can simply laugh around..
i just hope that you finally realize what have done to the rest of this class..
and what have you did and humiliate others including your roommate..
people act due to action that you yourself did..
and people won't fight back if you did not start it..
if only i could slapped you..
i would done it for anything...
i just simply and deeply hate you right now..
hate for what you have said and for what you had done to me..
i hate for stupidly believe you... i hate of used to be friend with you..
i just hate you!!!!!!!
i hate you N!

adala hamba Allah nih.. law dia nk wat blog ke ap ke aq xkesah, yela bukan yer kacau idop aq pown p yg wat aq bengang gler skg nih, dok wat blog p semua dok bantai tiru aq punya!

saket ati tol la.. tlg la jgn dok tiru owg pnya.. blog nih kn hsil dr ilham ceewahh...
btol la.. hsil dr dri sndri kowt.. so knp perlu tuk meniru owg pnye??
ap faedahnya??

owg wat susah2 pening pala cari bahan ang lak sng2 jer dok amik paste kt blog ang..
every single thing ad nilai n copyright tersendiri so do ask first before amik okey?????
aduhai.. aq nih law blh xmo la mrh2... t kna hypertension lak...
pape pown sape yg agak2 terasa tuh... tlg jgn ulangi lg okeyp????

Wednesday, January 12, 2011
xfaham tol aq!

aq cuma sowg remaja yg dh senja p masih gak mcari2 identiti n siapa aq sbnarnya.
law nk taw, aq nih kdg2 ase cm ad dua personaliti or dua identiti.
aq sndri xtaw nk yg mana or hati aq nih lebih dominan kt identiti mana.
aq selesa ngan kedua2 personaliti aq.
hah!nk taw amende nya personaliti aq tuh??
haa.. mula2 nya mak aq dok ajar mcm2 r cara nk jd pompuan sejati..
memasak, buat kek, masak biskut, menjahit, menyulam, melukis.

p nk d jadikan cite, ad la pengalaman ngeri aq zaman kanak2 nih yg wat aq jd keras.
hati batu huhuhu..
tataw la aq,sejak dari tu aq cuba blagak kononnya aq nih kasar n gampang
coz aq xnk kena buli n d pijak manusia yg poyos huh!
n pai la ni la sikap tu dok melekat lam idop aq.
cmne ek..
yg n satu aq nk pilih?? xpon aq idop jer lam dua2 personaliti aq..
xsalah kn?? bukannya aq susahkn sesapa pown.. p cuma susah diri aq nk cri pakwe jer la hahaha..
adeh.. merapu sudeh...

Tuesday, January 11, 2011
terrorizing and abusive childhood
just now I've read my classmate blog..
she was talking bout her childhood and how she been abused by whom i did not know..
but then.. i think everyone has their one abusive moment and that's included me..
seriously i'm not saying this just to raised a clueless or mindless sympathy but then..
just telling this to stop some people from consider they having a world war end crisis..
i been born with no one love me.. father who always busy with his girlfriends and mother who busy looking for my step to be father ..
i live all alone watching my friends been love more than enough from their parents...
and yeah... been beaten is always part of my daily routine.. what the fuck man...
not even one second i felt happy in my childhood world but then i still survive without doing any reckless things..
and for me.. since my childhood been terrorize and of course my future also went down to the drain..
it was never become a what to be blame of terrorizing other's world..
though people always mistaken of seeing who i am but still i managed to live this world with or without difficulty..
it was a nightmare watching others with their friends and still i lead this world all alone without anyone to share every single things that happened..
i'm a teenager and indeed i need someone to shared and it's teenager nature of rebellious when no one there to give their attention to them...
and that was me... searching and seeking for attention but then always failed at the end..
till now i having nightmare... nightmare living this world all alone...
and yup.. not even my child and teen world been destroyed but even my love life also ruined just because of my unbearable forgotten past life..
but then, i have to accept what was written for me and struggle to live till the end and hopefully i managed to find someone who truly love me and never left me behind..
i just cant bear to accept another heart broken experience..
i cant to devastated all over again...
when love is not meant for you.. did not ever seek it... let it come willingly to the bottom of your heart..
and let happiness lead it way to ever after and eternal happiness...
again life is a mystery that we have to lived in and it's not a problem for us to be solved coz all the question have been answered and been solved by Allah and it just matter of time for us to revealed...
boleh lak aq lupa!
hah! sebagaimna tjok kt ats tuh..
cmne lak la aq leh lupa nk wish hepi new year hahaha! poyo..
follower pown xad ad hati nk wish new year lak! biar r.. aq pnya suka r.. blog aq!
hah!31 tuh aq grak lek dr kelate.. tiket abes kowt.. saket ati tol.. sape la yg suka ngat borong tiket bas nih.. nyusahkn owg tol..
pai kelate aq g la smbut merdeka ngan sowg mamat nih..
nama dia??? xmo aq gtaw.. pelik gler.. hahaha..
aq lak ngan xsengaja kai wedges..dia lak pendek... mmg cari pasal btol la..
sah2 dia paras bahu aq hahah!
lawak tol..
yg plg aq pening dia diam jer.. nyakitkn ati.. aq cm itik dok tkedek2 ikot blakang dia..
ting tong ting tong ting tong..
hahaha.. hah! law nk taw lam kelas aq nih ad pnyakit nk wat blog lak dah..
kompius kompius..
ngat sng ker??
aq yg dh lama nih pown dok tngadok2 g law nk tlis entri pape pown..
lari dr headline blog aq lak tuh..
sabar jelah... :P

follower pown xad ad hati nk wish new year lak! biar r.. aq pnya suka r.. blog aq!
hah!31 tuh aq grak lek dr kelate.. tiket abes kowt.. saket ati tol.. sape la yg suka ngat borong tiket bas nih.. nyusahkn owg tol..
pai kelate aq g la smbut merdeka ngan sowg mamat nih..
nama dia??? xmo aq gtaw.. pelik gler.. hahaha..

sah2 dia paras bahu aq hahah!
lawak tol..
yg plg aq pening dia diam jer.. nyakitkn ati.. aq cm itik dok tkedek2 ikot blakang dia..
ting tong ting tong ting tong..
hahaha.. hah! law nk taw lam kelas aq nih ad pnyakit nk wat blog lak dah..
kompius kompius..

aq yg dh lama nih pown dok tngadok2 g law nk tlis entri pape pown..
lari dr headline blog aq lak tuh..

sabar jelah... :P
la.. la.. la..
hah! pe g aq nk merapu nih ek..
tataw la... otak ngah sakai masok air nih...
neutral x law aq wat donno kt dak kelas nih..
wat pape ikot pale sndri p asalkan xsusahkn owg len sudah..
p nty xpepsl aq d cop kera sumbang lak.. adeh..
xke naya namanya.....
p wat pe nk fikir ap yg owg len pk sal aq lak..
bak kata alyn.. bkn depa yg bg aq mkn..
sndri pnya idop so lantak aq la nk wat ap pown..
p jauh lam hati aq.. aq taw aq bkn manusia cmtuh.. tp keadaan yg pksa aq jd cmnih..
aq bkn nye sombong or kera sumbang n yg psti aq bkn jnis moody..
dh xad vowg nk tgor wtpe lak aq nk snyum.,. gila ape!
ltih idop atas expectation owg.. bl la dunia nih nk aman... bosan tol...
rilex@x! ad stahun jer lg..
pejam celik dh abes study.. fuh! hepi gler r !
lmbt tol.. mmg dh xsbr kowt.. nk lepas dr tmpt yg mmg hmpir wat aq gila!
wah wah... kes luah pasaan lak dah.. best mrapu huhuhu...
anyway.. wish aq selamat lor pai sem 6...

neutral x law aq wat donno kt dak kelas nih..
wat pape ikot pale sndri p asalkan xsusahkn owg len sudah..
p nty xpepsl aq d cop kera sumbang lak.. adeh..
xke naya namanya.....
p wat pe nk fikir ap yg owg len pk sal aq lak..
bak kata alyn.. bkn depa yg bg aq mkn..

p jauh lam hati aq.. aq taw aq bkn manusia cmtuh.. tp keadaan yg pksa aq jd cmnih..
aq bkn nye sombong or kera sumbang n yg psti aq bkn jnis moody..
dh xad vowg nk tgor wtpe lak aq nk snyum.,. gila ape!
ltih idop atas expectation owg.. bl la dunia nih nk aman... bosan tol...
rilex@x! ad stahun jer lg..

lmbt tol.. mmg dh xsbr kowt.. nk lepas dr tmpt yg mmg hmpir wat aq gila!
wah wah... kes luah pasaan lak dah.. best mrapu huhuhu...

tataw nk tulis pe..
Semester Julai 2009 dah pon msok sem ke empat awal taun nih...
aq sbnarnya aim nk dptkn dean list p nk wat cmne,rezeki xad.. trima jelah result aq.. 3.25 jer...
alhamdulillah... result ngan pointer aq naik mdadak... xsia2 gak usaha aq study aritu..
aq taw ramai yg tkejut tgk result aq.. yelah.. dowg mmg sah2 x expect lgsg aq akn dpt 3.25 n letakkan otak siot aq nih setaraf ngan dowg..
aq cuba nk brubah p tah la..
pai bila aq nk puaskn hati owg jer.. n pai bila aq tpaksa hdop lam dunia yg mnyakitkn hati aq..
selama nih aq asyik dok pk jaga hati owg p..
ad x owg len nk jaga hati aq...
semua taw menilai aq dr luaran jer...
taw nk mengutuk n wat cite n fitnah aq..
aq xtaw knp la ad mlt gampang lam kelas nih..
keje wat fitnah n mengata owg jer..
bosan,dr sem1 pai sem4..
perangai xbrubah2 gak..
huh!ap la yg aq merepek nih..
lantak la.. mlot depa bkn aq leh tutup pown...
lg d lyn makin saket jiwa aq..
bek aq dok diam n sng2 ckp bila depa tgor jer..
wek wek!!