but it does hurt when someone i do believe finally stabbing me from behind..
maybe i wasn't meant to have friends.. and i really can't bear to be hurt over and over again..
my status that seems to hurt you was wasn't meant for you and it was you who take it personally..
yeah.. your biggest mistake was to be friend with me...
indeed.. i was supposed to be the last one you want to be friend with if there's only both of us in this world..
i considered you as my friend ever.. i appreciate every single thing that you have done to me..
and on that reason i always there when you need although not all the time..
before this i even did not care what had people said about you and don't give a damn of what people had warned me by be friend with you..
yeah.. but still i am imperfect... imperfect to be your friend...
i had a lousy habit by love to eat junkfoods and unhealthy foods..
but why did you have to comment about that...
i know that your status was never meant for me..

nevermind.. we was not meant to be friend.. and i thank for what have you done for me..
im not people who easily forget someone who done lots of thing for me...
coz i don't have lots of people who willing too..
i still remember once you accompanied me with your strawberry umbrella and give me courage to faced them..
and i still grateful that you willing to help me when i was hopeless and don't have anywhere to sleep off...
sem 3???i work hard... and i hope you will also do the same..
i was damn sad for what had you did when "buka puasa" time..
why you have to behaved in such way...
people react when someone or other act on them first...
maybe you haven't notice but..
we both have been through almost the most same experience whether in family or life terms...
but yet... it was not a good and strong reason for us to be friend...
may you always be happy... and hope there will no more tears in your life..
thanks for all the memories and thanks for be my friend although it did not last..
hope this will be the last tears because of a girl who i called friend...
- Revolusi Sebuah Pemberontakan -
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