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Tuesday, January 18, 2011

pasti ada sebabnya ...

kenapa owg suka sangat melatah...
bukan melatah oi mak kau tu.. p melatah bl ad jer bnda yg xkena..
pntg d tegur xblh ad slp sikit msti nk mrh.. nk ngamuk.. pala angin belaka..
xbosan ke pepg buta g dok masam muka hnya sb yg ang sndri xtaw...
xleh ke semat lam pala otak tuh yg ap yg tjadi psti ad sb n dh jd tggjwb tuk kita pstikn dulu sblom mrh..
ang suka ke xsuka ke dia... sape suruh pilih n vote dia...
pilih la owg yg ang suka nih x..
pastu mula la nk mengomen la ap la... serabut pala tul... tak faham aq ... ap la yg kowg semua pk..
mmg la sape xmrh law bnda tuh jd kt kita jer...bak kata owg berat g mata memandang p berat g bahu memikul ye dop???
p jgn la dok keje nk marah n xpuas hati jer...
mmg la.. pai bila kita nk ngalah n pai bila nk bg owg pijak pala kita..
p mlawan bia la kena tmpt n jgn bab kecik jer sesama kita gdoh...
pnjg lg pjalanan nih.. byk lg yg kita prlu tempuh.. n kita perlukan tiap sowg dr kita tuk bjaya hingga ke sem 6 nty... law xad dowg.. sape yg nk tlg kita??? mak bapak? keluarga?
dowg semua jauh.. kdg kala.. owg yg kita benci slalunya akn tlg kita...
msa tuh.. xke ke segan??? dh pnoh mlut kita dok ngata dia.. tetba dia tlg kita...
pk la ckit.. idop kt dunia nih bkn hnya ad kita, keluarga, kekasih kita jer...
p ramai lg n yg psti kita xmampu idop law msuh ramai dr kwn...
aq dh pnah rasai dan aq taw cmne rasa bl kita xad sesapa tuk tlg kita d saat kita sedih...
dl aq pown cmtu... idop sowg2.. bgdoh... ngata owg... p bl pk blik pai bl...
umur bkn makin muda... n kita bkn makin sihat...
aq nyesal ngan ksilapan aq p bak kata owg... bl skali kita wat pai bl2 owg xkn pcya...
aq nyesal bab xptahankan diri bl ad isu yg aq d tuduh p pd hakikatnya aq lgsg xwat...
p semua tuh dh blalu... dh tiba masa tuk aq lupakan kisah lama dan mulakan hidup baru...
hidup dgn prinsip dan cara hidup yang baru...
kisah lampau jadikan teladan agar aq xulangi lg...
law kita asyik bdendam jer.. asyik memerli... melawan wlau kita sndri taw ap yg kita wat tuh lgsg xkena pd tmpt dan masanya.. untk ap??? sia2 jer... bkn xblh mlawan bkn suruh duk diam2 bia owg pijak pala...
blh melawan p biar la kena pd masa n tmpt... jgn tnjukkn kbdohan kita d dpn owg hnya sb dendam kita tuh..
jd owg yg diam tp d hrmati bkn nya pelawan tp d caci...
ko wat kt aq.. aq wat kt ko.. pai bL??? xbosan ke hidop n dtg ke kelas semata2 nk bgdoh jer...
p ckp byk pown xguna n aq harap kowg xmai serang aq bab aq tulis lam blog nih...
pk la knp aq tulis lam blog jer.... law aq gtaw dpn2.. agak2 kowg bg x peluang tuk aq ckp???
aq ase x.. msti kowg serang aq kaw2 sblom aq smpat gtaw ap yg aq nk sampaikn...
gpown.. sape la aq nih.. bkn nya ad kuasa pown nk tgor kowg...
kowg semua owg hebat... ap yg kowg buat semua btol... xad slh ckit pown...
aq nih lg la.. lgsg xlayak nk tgor... dh r... mls aq nk tacing2...

wat serabut pala jer.... bosan.. huh!

Saturday, January 15, 2011

hensem versus xbape hensem

aq  rasa tiap pompuan lam dunia nih mmg mudah gler cair law nmpak laki ensem n aq sure gler ah pompuan yg dpt balak ensem dgn bangganya akn p tayang kt owg..
last2 sekali bila balak kena pau mula la meraung sowg2 cam owg gler..
xckup ngan tuh mula la nyusahkan member2 dok ngadu konon nya kena tgl la ap la..
yg plg naya abes semua brg bhrga xtaw la tmsok ke x ngan tut......
hah! niat aq bkn la nk mengata owg p based on experience aq..
aq d kategorikn sbg pmpuan yg xbpe cun n GEMOK... so mmg aq jd plihan laki yg plg last sekali r,.
ye la.. ner ad laki yg kempunan nk amik aq jd awek dowg.. wat ilang market jer...
hahaha... haa... bebalik pd al kesah td..
knp la manusia suka sgt beza2kn status.. paras rupa..
slh ke law xad rupa yg ensem cm Edward Cullen hehehee..
bg aq law ckup sifat kn lg bgos.. d tmbh dgn didikan agama n plg pntg akhlak yg baik..
cm lam cite Fatimah Juling kt astro tuh.. kononnya c fatimah nih dok puja n gler kt laki yg nama zack..
sb nya?? zack tuh ensem n anak tok penghulu..
c fatimah nih sgp lak dok hina laki yg sukakn dia dr skool rndah ag..
last2 dia dpt taw c zack tu pown juling n laki yg dia hina slma nih ank owg kaya yg ad pniagaan unta kt afrika hahahha...
kn nyesal xsudah... tu la... len kali jgn nilai owg dr luaran jer..
kita xtaw ap yg Allah tlh tulis d suratan hidup seseowg.. untung nasib owg yg kita hina tuh xtentu lg..
sape taw Allah kurniakn dia rezki yg mlimpah ruah sb nk bg ats muka kt kita bab dok hina dia..
n dh jd trend skg... owg lawa msti kawen ngan owg xbpe lawa.. nk jmpa psangan yg sama padan amat la susah huhuhu...
cun xcun jnji bhagia.. 2 yg plg pntg kowt!!!
ap la yg aq dok merapu nih... hahahah...
aq ase saket bosan masok air dah nyerang.. waaaaaaaaa..........................

Friday, January 14, 2011

isu "sape makan cili dia yang rasa pedas"

im not ignoring someone for any reason..
but it does hurt when someone i do believe finally stabbing me from behind..
maybe i wasn't meant to have friends.. and i really can't bear to be hurt over and over again..
my status that seems to hurt you was wasn't meant for you and it was you who take it personally..
yeah.. your biggest mistake was to be friend with me...
indeed.. i was supposed to be the last one you want to be friend with if there's only both of us in this world..
i considered you as my friend ever.. i appreciate every single thing that you have done to me..
and on that reason i always there when you need although not all the time..
before this i even did not care what had people said about you and don't give a damn of what people had warned me by be friend with you..
yeah.. but still i am imperfect... imperfect to be your friend...
i had a lousy habit by love to eat junkfoods and unhealthy foods..
but why did you have to comment about that...
i know that your status was never meant for me..
i know that you have all those unwanted people around you and people who put you in misery and tears..
nevermind.. we was not meant to be friend.. and i thank for what have you done for me..
im not people who easily forget someone who done lots of thing for me...
coz i don't have lots of people who willing too..
i still remember once you accompanied me with your strawberry umbrella and give me courage to faced them..
and i still grateful that you willing to help me when i was hopeless and don't have anywhere to sleep off...
sem 3???i work hard... and i hope you will also do the same..
i was sick to been humiliate and been bullied all the time...
i was damn sad for what had you did when "buka puasa" time..
why you have to behaved in such way...
people react when someone or other act on them first...
maybe you haven't notice but..
we both have been through almost the most same experience whether in family or life terms...
but yet... it was not a good and strong reason for us to be friend...
may you always be happy... and hope there will no more tears in your life..
thanks for all the memories and thanks for be my friend although it did not last..
hope this will be the last tears because of a girl who i called friend... 

- Revolusi Sebuah Pemberontakan -

Thursday, January 13, 2011

persahabatan.. friendship...

persahabatan .. friendship..
benar mudah tuk kita ucapkan tp pernahkah kita benar2 mengerti erti dan maksud yang tersirat..
pernahkah kita cuba meletakkan diri kita di dalam erti sebuah persahabatan??
dia  antra insan terawal yg aq ktemu saat ku jejakkan kaki d bumi asing ini..
sbetulnya aq pcayakn dia n aq agp dia kwn aq..
hga la sem 3.. bwu aq taw yg slma nih dia hnya bpura baik d dpn aq.. blakang aq??
laillahaillallah.. mengata aq n mengutuk aq..
yg plg ketara sekali bila dia tuduh aq mencuri nescafe dia pai sgp nk check bilik aq..
sedar ke x pompuan nih.. bila nescafe ang hlg, aq yg bg kt ang..
aq kesian bl ang kata ang xleh law xminum nescafe n ang lak selalu xad duit..
p last2 ang tuduh aq pncuri.. semiskin2 aq,aq xpnah curi brg owg..
mlg tol nsib aq plih ang jd kwn..
knp la ang sgp wat aq cmnih.. ap la slh aq kt ang..
aq xpnah mngata ang.. xpnah kutuk ang.. tiap kali owg ckp bnda xelok sal ang aq backup ang..
aq slalu tlg ang xkira ap je keadaan..
friendship is a promise that should not be done if you know you will never fulfill it..
friendship is not a rope that you simply cut it off when you hate it..
n friendship is not a joke that you can simply laugh around..
i just hope that you finally realize what have done to the rest of this class..
and what have you did and humiliate others including your roommate..
people act due to action that you yourself did..
and people won't fight back if you did not start it..
if only i could slapped you..
i would done it for anything...
i just simply and deeply hate you right now..
hate for what you have said and for what you had done to me..
i hate for stupidly believe you... i hate of used to be friend with you..
i just hate you!!!!!!!

i hate you N!


haa... nak dijadikan cite knp la aq wat tajok entri yg teramat biadap nih,...
adala hamba Allah nih.. law dia nk wat blog ke ap ke aq xkesah, yela bukan yer kacau idop aq pown p yg wat aq bengang gler skg nih, dok wat blog p semua dok bantai tiru aq punya!
wat la blog sndri jgn nk nyemak tiru blog owg len!wat malu taw xxxxxxx!!!!!! geram nye aq!
saket ati tol la.. tlg la jgn dok tiru owg pnya.. blog nih kn hsil dr ilham ceewahh...
btol la.. hsil dr dri sndri kowt.. so knp perlu tuk meniru owg pnye??
ap faedahnya??
aq bkn sj nk marah ke ap.. cuma aq geram la.. law nk sekali[pun mtak la izin dl.. jgn la men rembat jer..
owg wat susah2 pening pala cari bahan ang lak sng2 jer dok amik paste kt blog ang..
every single thing ad nilai n copyright tersendiri so do ask first before amik okey?????
aduhai.. aq nih law blh xmo la mrh2... t kna hypertension lak...
pape pown sape yg agak2 terasa tuh... tlg jgn ulangi lg okeyp????


Wednesday, January 12, 2011

xfaham tol aq!

kowg jgn ckp aq gila lak law baca entri nih..
aq cuma sowg remaja yg dh senja p masih gak mcari2 identiti n siapa aq sbnarnya.
law nk taw, aq nih kdg2 ase cm ad dua personaliti or dua identiti.
aq sndri xtaw nk yg mana or hati aq nih lebih dominan kt identiti mana.
aq selesa ngan kedua2 personaliti aq.
hah!nk taw amende nya personaliti aq tuh??
haa.. mula2 nya mak aq dok ajar mcm2 r cara nk jd pompuan sejati..
memasak, buat kek, masak biskut, menjahit, menyulam, melukis.
bak kata pepatah kira aq taw la benda2 pompuan nih.
p nk d jadikan cite, ad la pengalaman ngeri aq zaman kanak2 nih yg wat aq jd keras.
hati batu huhuhu..
tataw la aq,sejak dari tu aq cuba blagak kononnya aq nih kasar n gampang
coz aq xnk kena buli n d pijak manusia yg poyos huh!
n pai la ni la sikap tu dok melekat lam idop aq.
cmne ek..
yg n satu aq nk pilih?? xpon aq idop jer lam dua2 personaliti aq..
xsalah kn?? bukannya aq susahkn sesapa pown.. p cuma susah diri aq nk cri pakwe jer la hahaha..
adeh.. merapu sudeh...

so, kesimpulannya??? NO KOMEN!!! HAHAHAHA!

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

terrorizing and abusive childhood

just now I've read my classmate blog..
she was talking bout her childhood and how she been abused by whom i did not know..
but then.. i think everyone has their one abusive moment and that's included me..
seriously i'm not saying this just to raised a clueless or mindless sympathy but then..
just telling this to stop some people from consider they having a world war end crisis..
i been born with no one love me.. father who always busy with his girlfriends and mother who busy looking for my step to be father ..
i live all alone watching my friends been love more than enough from their parents...
and yeah... been beaten is always part of my daily routine.. what the fuck man...
not even one second i felt happy in my childhood world but then i still survive without doing any reckless things..
and for me.. since my childhood been terrorize and of course my future also went down to the drain..
it was never become a what to be blame of terrorizing other's world..
though people always mistaken of seeing who i am but still i managed to live this world with or without difficulty..
it was a nightmare watching others with their friends and still i lead this world all alone without anyone to share every single things that happened..
i'm a teenager and indeed i need someone to shared and it's teenager nature of rebellious when no one there to give their attention to them...
and that was me... searching and seeking for attention but then always failed at the end..
till now i having nightmare... nightmare living this world all alone...
and yup.. not even my child and teen world been destroyed but even my love life also ruined just because of my unbearable forgotten past life..
but then, i have to accept what was written for me and struggle to live till the end and hopefully i managed to find someone who truly love me and never left me behind..
i just cant bear to accept another heart broken experience..
i cant to devastated all over again...
when love is not meant for you.. did not ever seek it... let it come willingly to the bottom of your heart..
and let happiness lead it way to ever after and eternal happiness...
again life is a mystery that we have to lived in and it's not a problem for us to be solved coz all the question have been answered and been solved by Allah and it just matter of time for us to revealed...

boleh lak aq lupa!

hah! sebagaimna tjok kt ats tuh..
cmne lak la aq leh lupa nk wish hepi new year hahaha! poyo..
follower pown xad ad hati nk wish new year lak! biar r.. aq pnya suka r.. blog aq!
hah!31 tuh aq grak lek dr kelate.. tiket abes kowt.. saket ati tol.. sape la yg suka ngat borong tiket bas nih.. nyusahkn owg tol..
pai kelate aq g la smbut merdeka ngan sowg mamat nih..
nama dia??? xmo aq gtaw.. pelik gler.. hahaha..
aq lak ngan xsengaja kai wedges..dia lak pendek... mmg cari pasal btol la..
sah2 dia paras bahu aq hahah!
lawak tol..
yg plg aq pening dia diam jer.. nyakitkn ati.. aq cm itik dok tkedek2 ikot blakang dia..
ting tong ting tong ting tong..
hahaha.. hah! law nk taw lam kelas aq nih ad pnyakit nk wat blog lak dah..
kompius kompius..
ngat sng ker??
aq yg dh lama nih pown dok tngadok2 g law nk tlis entri pape pown..
lari dr headline blog aq lak tuh..

sabar jelah... :P

la.. la.. la..

hah! pe g aq nk merapu nih ek..
tataw la... otak ngah sakai masok air nih...
neutral x law aq wat donno kt dak kelas nih..
wat pape ikot pale sndri p asalkan xsusahkn owg len sudah..
p nty xpepsl aq d cop kera sumbang lak.. adeh..
xke naya namanya.....
p wat pe nk fikir ap yg owg len pk sal aq lak..
bak kata alyn.. bkn depa yg bg aq mkn..
sndri pnya idop so lantak aq la nk wat ap pown..
p jauh lam hati aq.. aq taw aq bkn manusia cmtuh.. tp keadaan yg pksa aq jd cmnih..
aq bkn nye sombong or kera sumbang n yg psti aq bkn jnis moody..
dh xad vowg nk tgor wtpe lak aq nk snyum.,. gila ape!
ltih idop atas expectation owg.. bl la dunia nih nk aman... bosan tol...
rilex@x! ad stahun jer lg..
pejam celik dh abes study.. fuh! hepi gler r !
lmbt tol.. mmg dh xsbr kowt.. nk lepas dr tmpt yg mmg hmpir wat aq gila!
wah wah... kes luah pasaan lak dah.. best mrapu huhuhu...
anyway.. wish aq selamat lor pai sem 6...

tataw nk tulis pe..

Semester Julai 2009 dah pon msok sem ke empat awal taun nih...
byk gak yg tjadi n yg pasti rmai antra kami yg mcapai pointer3 ke atas tp syg kami xad dean list..
aq sbnarnya aim nk dptkn dean list p nk wat cmne,rezeki xad.. trima jelah result aq.. 3.25 jer...
alhamdulillah... result ngan pointer aq naik mdadak... xsia2 gak usaha aq study aritu..

aq taw ramai yg tkejut tgk result aq.. yelah.. dowg mmg sah2 x expect lgsg aq akn dpt 3.25 n letakkan otak siot aq nih setaraf ngan dowg..
semester empat byk mengubah pandangan aq p sbnarnya lebih pd negatif kowt..
aq cuba nk brubah p tah la..

pai bila aq nk puaskn hati owg jer.. n pai bila aq tpaksa hdop lam dunia yg mnyakitkn hati aq..
selama nih aq asyik dok pk jaga hati owg p..
ad x owg len nk jaga hati aq...
semua taw menilai aq dr luaran jer...
taw nk mengutuk n wat cite n fitnah aq..

aq xtaw knp la ad mlt gampang lam kelas nih..
keje wat fitnah n mengata owg jer..
bosan,dr sem1 pai sem4..
perangai xbrubah2 gak..
huh!ap la yg aq merepek nih..
lantak la.. mlot depa bkn aq leh tutup pown...
lg d lyn makin saket jiwa aq..
bek aq dok diam n sng2 ckp bila depa tgor jer..

wek wek!!