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Thursday, July 25, 2013

Empty Hole

dua tiga hari ni..
aku rasa kosong..
empty body with no living soul on the inside.

something missing inside of me.

i do smile and laugh.
and it was a mask that i have to put on in front of others.
my defense shield.

at times,
i just want to go away.
somewhere far enough
where no one could ever find me and break me to pieces.

i just want to cry my heart out and ease this cut.
to stop my heart from bleeding and aching for i couldn't live with this pain for another day.

there's time,
i just want to scream and scream.
so that world will now,
how much pain i had to carry in my fragile little heart.
and its killing me.
eating my soul.
causing me to lead a slow and dreadful death path.

this mask.
this smiling face.
it won't last.
it started to crack.

the tears,
they has found their way out.
showing my weakness to others.
exposing my deformed and vulnerable soul.

walking on pieces of shattered glass.

cuts me deeper and deeper.

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