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Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Orthopaedic Longing

Orthopaedic are subject that revolved around muscular and skeletal that build up our
structure .

Learn different kind off fractures .
Vital sign to detect Compartment Syndrome or Carpal Turner Syndrome .

Learn how to care for patient if they need to put on POP or traction whether its internal or external .

And the best part are when you get to know various kind off orthopaedic surgeries .
Plating , screw insertion , hip replacements , knee replacements for example .

I was in semester 4 and musculoskeletal are one of the topic that intrigued me well enough to stop me from falling asleep in class .
I had an opposite opinion on  Puan Rohaida tho .

I certainly can see me going to post basic in Orthopaedic subject after I graduated .

I love how muscular intertwined with our structure .
Control our movement and few other major components .

I've even memorized all types of fractures and definitely names of our bones part by part .

And the sweetest memoir are when I got an A for my research on few cases of fractures and score a perfect A in my final exam in this subject .

Oh God .
I miss everything .
Dressing Bandaging Traction

I miss being a nurse ..

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