Did you know
The more
I try to get away from you,
With the fear of falling in love..
The closer..
You get into my heart..
I fall for you..
And more..
Every passing second..
And now,
My heart is killing me..
Forcing me to text you..
To comfort you..
To make you feel better..
I wish i could hold you..
Whisper to you..
That everything going to be fine..
And i'm here..
For you and always will..
I'm here for you to scold..
To stab.. To hurt me as much as you want to..
I just want you to smile..
To forget all those agony..
Why can't you..
Try at least..
To let go all of her memoirs..
Memoirs that killing you..
Hurting you..
Why can't you understand..
I'm broken..
Torn apart..
Each time you told me all your resentment toward her..
How you suffered..
Why can't you see..
I cry for you..
Cry for i feel how shattered your heart was..
Cry for seeing how fragile your are..
And here I am..
Afraid of losing you..
Why am I afraid..
To lose you..
When you not even mine..
I had to..
I have to let you go..
I need to..
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